Monday, October 6, 2014

Don't You Ever Side-Look if You're not Prepared

Hey there side-lookers!

We haven't forget about you, all twenty of you (so far)! :( But hey, let's cheer up :) We are here for you. And we give you a piece of an advice: Don't you ever side-look if you're not prepared enough. For what? I don't know. Anything. Side-look can defeat all sorts of enemies.

And for complete preparation, here is this set of martial arts moves, just in case side-look isn't enough.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Let's Honor Not Having Idea What's Going On

Hi, great readers! You are truly great. Let's take a moment now and honor NOT HAVING IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON. We talk of course about those endless hours of boredom in the classroom or at work, or while waiting in the line for something. Well, you know, those kind of moments can be a huge inspiration and produce great artwork!

You don't believe me? Check this notebook cover I used at my university. This is truly amazing. (not)

Of course, my presentation of Towelie will hardly begin a new wave in art and theory of art. And I am far, far away from cases like this. But hey, it's something. I can use the pencil. 

I bet people can't wait to read my memoirs!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Let's Honor the King of Plants and Gaming

Now this is it: our comment on YouTube that He (Oh, the great, great King of Plants and Gaming) won't ever see. It is sad. But we honor him for all the times he made as laugh. (What kind of sentence is that anyway, it's not like he's dead). A true hero and genius of commentary gaming (and we mean it!) - PewDiePie!

As we are just a small, unimportant blog lost in the sea of blogging and web sites, we are honoured to give honor to our great King. Oh, that funny and huge world of gaming and fun!

For the balance and touch of reality, here is the image of grey weather again.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Let's honor this grey weather for no reason

Oh, yes. Depressed grey thoughts on blogs, how rare! (again). No!

We will not do that. Instead let's just honor this image of grey, rainy weather for no reason. Grey is the favorite color of schizophrenics. Think about that. You might think they are the only ones with voices in their heads. Oh, no. It's not like that. Voices are everywhere.

And for the balance, here is the image of some cute puppies.

You are welcome.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

One of the reasons that make life hard (this is so sad!)

So, here is my sad story. That's right, I am blogging and talking about my despair, how rare is that?! I will go on with uniqueness of this post.

So, here is my issue with the universe and it's laws: I can't afford GTA V. I can only play GTA IV with lowest graphics settings, and my life has no sense for that reason.

This is heartbreaking, I know. Here are some tissues to wipe away your tears of compassion.

Our First Like! (how lame this title can be?)

And we got our first like on our Facebook page! Our first reader sent us a photo with her precious cup of coffee. Our first reader is also thrilled over this blog and says it could be the next big thing in the universe, not mentioning our transparent and unimportant existence.

Let's honor our first reader by listening to this song by Rose Muhando called "Wololo". Why? I have no idea that's why.

(No, it's not that priest from Age of Empires)


Cup of Coffee

Let's take a moment and honor this cup of coffee. It's not just any cup of coffee. You see, every cup is different: but in the end, every photo of the cup of coffee reveals pleasure and boredom revealed on social networks and lame blogs (did someone mention lame blogs? *side-looking while whistling* )

However, please honor this peace of everyday life that keeps as alive and awake after not sleeping beacuse of racing thoughts after that late day cup of coffeine.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cool side-look is cool

... And it's hot.

First Post and a Welcome

We believe that life is big, twisted and most of all - boring creation of the universe.

Join us in our point of view on life and have fun! Yes, fun is also boring. As much as this these three dots ...  

But after all, please - DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE. THINK POSITIVE.